Botanical Name :Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis
Other Name : Bunga Raya, Chinese Hibiscus, Shoe Rose
Family: Malvaceae
Origin: African East Coast
Hisbiscus or commonly known as “Bunga Raya” is the national flower of Malaysia and also state flower of Hawaii. Hibiscus have a large genus of about 200-220 species and they are suitable to grow at warm temperature, subtropical and tropical country. The flowers of Hibiscus can be very significant as they consist of 5 large petals, trumpet shaped. They can be range from white through yellow and orange to scarlet and shades of pink. Some of the flowers have single or double sets of petals. Other than the petals, Hibiscus usually has long hanging stamen and stigma at the center of the flower.
As the national flower of Malaysia, “Bunga Raya” is a malay words which means big flowers where the word “bunga” in Malay is flower while the word “raya” means big or grand. The red color of the petals indicates courage, life and rapid growth of the Malaysian and the five petals symbolizes the five Rukun Negara of Malaysia.